19:16:19.404 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@3739c061
19:16:19.410 [XNIO-6 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7a036a39
19:16:19.412 [XNIO-6 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3b68956
19:16:19.419 [XNIO-6 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2fc1d12c
19:16:19.420 [XNIO-6 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7888f952
19:16:19.423 [XNIO-6 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@b254d30
19:16:19.424 [XNIO-6 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@191e7ddc
19:16:19.425 [XNIO-6 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3d4d887c
19:16:19.426 [XNIO-6 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6b15f430
19:16:19.426 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.426 [XNIO-6 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-6 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@5a50091a
19:16:19.427 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.446 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@3739c061
19:16:19.463 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@6b85533b
19:16:19.467 [XNIO-7 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@338061d7
19:16:19.478 [XNIO-7 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7267e51
19:16:19.483 [XNIO-7 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@63cdc5df
19:16:19.482 [XNIO-7 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@439e5ffd
19:16:19.484 [XNIO-7 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@33b5b301
19:16:19.485 [XNIO-7 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@256202cc
19:16:19.485 [XNIO-7 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4bc2745e
19:16:19.484 [XNIO-7 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1541cbbb
19:16:19.494 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.494 [XNIO-7 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-7 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3e734dd
19:16:19.495 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.497 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@6b85533b
19:16:19.511 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@134dbbe5
19:16:19.513 [XNIO-8 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@10ec0dc7
19:16:19.514 [XNIO-8 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@72593428
19:16:19.522 [XNIO-8 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@31897f89
19:16:19.545 [XNIO-8 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1ebc47fb
19:16:19.523 [XNIO-8 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@636dc257
19:16:19.551 [XNIO-8 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@315286c0
19:16:19.527 [XNIO-8 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3be808c5
19:16:19.559 [XNIO-8 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@63156b6
19:16:19.566 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.567 [XNIO-8 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-8 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@67593e63
19:16:19.568 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.591 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@134dbbe5
19:16:19.600 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@7c508e49
19:16:19.603 [XNIO-9 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@40d78b0a
19:16:19.603 [XNIO-9 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3eef5ebb
19:16:19.609 [XNIO-9 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@602c2c45
19:16:19.610 [XNIO-9 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@460cdd1
19:16:19.611 [XNIO-9 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2180b711
19:16:19.612 [XNIO-9 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@462f483e
19:16:19.615 [XNIO-9 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7b9424f9
19:16:19.617 [XNIO-9 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@92f1ce2
19:16:19.618 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.619 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.621 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@7c508e49
19:16:19.621 [XNIO-9 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-9 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@20fde453
19:16:19.628 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@245df161
19:16:19.630 [XNIO-10 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1e891c24
19:16:19.630 [XNIO-10 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@243a553d
19:16:19.634 [XNIO-10 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6243419a
19:16:19.634 [XNIO-10 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4819320a
19:16:19.638 [XNIO-10 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2a763b0b
19:16:19.642 [XNIO-10 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4666f381
19:16:19.646 [XNIO-10 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2988f1c3
19:16:19.646 [XNIO-10 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@21f6acc3
19:16:19.646 [XNIO-10 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-10 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7df9a01f
19:16:19.646 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.651 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.657 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@245df161
19:16:19.679 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@12e2e8dd
19:16:19.688 [XNIO-11 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@5b949c7d
19:16:19.690 [XNIO-11 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@6eba2fbd
19:16:19.694 [XNIO-11 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@37f7c4c7
19:16:19.699 [XNIO-11 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@43a0743f
19:16:19.701 [XNIO-11 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@10723910
19:16:19.704 [XNIO-11 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@16eb1fbc
19:16:19.710 [XNIO-11 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@506092c3
19:16:19.710 [XNIO-11 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1e786e05
19:16:19.711 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.712 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.713 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@12e2e8dd
19:16:19.716 [XNIO-11 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-11 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4364a543
19:16:19.725 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@2be2d809
19:16:19.730 [XNIO-12 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@68f99a24
19:16:19.731 [XNIO-12 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@27a5d67d
19:16:19.734 [XNIO-12 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@38b587bb
19:16:19.736 [XNIO-12 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3d930588
19:16:19.738 [XNIO-12 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@624ac24d
19:16:19.738 [XNIO-12 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@2f9e2697
19:16:19.742 [XNIO-12 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1193cb3e
19:16:19.743 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.743 [XNIO-12 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@140f6f1e
19:16:19.743 [XNIO-12 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-12 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@71dbe229
19:16:19.744 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.751 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@2be2d809
19:16:19.757 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - starting undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@686d139f
19:16:19.763 [XNIO-13 I/O-1] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-1', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1b4b59a9
19:16:19.763 [XNIO-13 I/O-2] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-2', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@23b30cfa
19:16:19.768 [XNIO-13 I/O-3] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-3', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@58ff623f
19:16:19.770 [XNIO-13 I/O-4] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-4', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3c17692e
19:16:19.771 [XNIO-13 I/O-5] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-5', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@7fae164c
19:16:19.771 [XNIO-13 I/O-8] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-8', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@1a3cb1cc
19:16:19.771 [XNIO-13 I/O-6] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-6', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@e6a9978
19:16:19.774 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTP for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.775 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - Configuring listener with protocol HTTPS for interface localhost and port 0
19:16:19.771 [XNIO-13 I/O-7] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 I/O-7', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@3e452750
19:16:19.774 [XNIO-13 Accept] DEBUG ersatz.xnio.nio - Started channel thread 'XNIO-13 Accept', selector sun.nio.ch.EPollSelectorImpl@4f680774
19:16:19.777 [Test worker] DEBUG ersatz.undertow - stopping undertow server ersatz.undertow.Undertow@686d139f